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info@airaqualabs.com, airaqualabs@gmail.com
Plastic sheet is an essential packaging material that has many advantages over other materials. It is light, flexible and inexpensive, which makes it ideal for food safety and shelf life while facilitating the transport and use of products. EPR Authorization for Category-IV Plastic sheet in India is a process through which companies can ensure that their plastic products are recycled in an environmentally responsible manner. The EPR Authorization process is designed to promote recycling and reduction of waste plastics. Category IV covers Plastic sheet, such as packaging bags, carry bags made of compostable plastics. Products in Category IV need to be authorized by both the CPCB and the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC). Complete support in EPRA Registration is given by Brand Liaison. Brand Liaison helps in documentation and procedures for obtaining an EPRA Certificate for your Plastic sheet products.